New Zajef round of negotiations with political leaders before the referendum – world


A new round of talks with Macedonian political leaders tomorrow will take Zoran Zaev, aiming to find the "gold cup" ahead of the autumn referendum on the Prespa agreement. On Monday morning, the Macedonian Prime Minister will meet Ali Ahmeti of DUI, Christian Mitschuki of VMRO-DPMNE and Besal Kbadami of Besa, according to government sources quoted by the Macedonian news agency MIA

. they will be the composition of the State Electoral Commission

Earlier Wednesday night, Zoran Zaev informed political party leaders about a possible formulation of the issue in the referendum, linking the agreement with the Greece in the referendum and the referendum question.

"Do you want to become a member of the European Union and NATO with the support of the agreement between Macedonia and Greece?", Asks the question asked by the Prime Minister of l & # 39; FYROM.

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