Ni … a hulled bird caught De Hea! –


The concept of the term goalie is broadly defined as "the player whose role is to keep a goal by trying to prevent the opposing team from putting goals."

Beside the definition do not look, you will not find the picture of David

Despite the clbad, the goalkeepers of Manchester United were in a bad state while the World Cup of Spain

In four games participated in the "Roar of the Roar" and the other was Basement. Only in football so-called "everything that went in writing". Only seven shots had the Spanish goalkeeper in his house and the whole ball hit his net!

Seven shots in front
Six goals conceded

Not the numbers David De Gea is used to … #ESPRUS

– FIFA World Cup ™ @FIFAWorldCup) July 1, 2018

This is just one! And Luis Suarez at the 2010 World Cup! As he remembered all the twitter, making Dee Herea from his bad performances! #RES #RES #RES #RES #RES EspanaRusia #Espanha

– 442stat. com (@ 442stat) July 1, 2018

Let's get into the shots on goal with the Russians …

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