Nicaragua: Death of two young people attacking the pro-government government – World


Two young men were killed and twenty were wounded in Nicaragua during a pro-government attack on a church, where dozens of students who had been affixed had left Saturday after the 39, catholic church.

In total, more than 270 people were killed and about 2,000 were injured in violent episodes in Nicaragua over the past three months, according to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)

"We ask God to accompany us, save the boys," said the Apostolic Stanislav Valdamar Sommertag, who escorted the buses that transported the young liberated from the Divine Mercy Church to the capital Managua

The Young men waved Nicaraguan flags shouting "thank you" and raising their fists to greet hundreds of people gathered on their way. "

" Long live the students! "," Justice! "and" Nicaragua! "shouted the crowd to At the time the guidelines

"We were told that there had been two deaths and a lot of injuries," said Nicaraguan cardinal Leopold Brenes shortly before the end of the crisis, when he arrived in the surrounding area erected by the church, surrounded by (19659002) The two young men were killed from a bullet in the head, one inside the church and l & # 39; 39, other in a barricade, according to witnesses

Cardinal Leopold Brenes, president of the Conference of Bishops of Nicaragua (CEN), declared that the government was the "sole responsible" for these events and it was called to "stop the mbadacre."

The church is located in the southwestern part of Managua, near the UNAN National University, where they had escaped to escape an attack on UNAN, where they had been previously stamped, about 200 students who participated in demonstrations against President Daniel Ortega

"We do not want to die", "help us", we could hear crying desperate young people in the middle of a whim

During the night, a priest came out of the church holding the flag of the Vatican to remove the seriously wounded as well as a Washington Post US reporter, Joshua Parcello, after negotiations with the Catholic Church

Students are spearheading a mbadive protest launched on April 18 against the 72-year-old president who is the leader of Nicaragua, the poorest country in Central America, since 2007. Ortega was president and from 1979 to 1990.

He is accused of repression violent demonstrations and he established with his wife a "dictatorship" characterized by corruption and nepotism.

On Friday, in Mbadaia, the most rebellious city in the country, about 30 kilometers south of the capital, fans of Daniel Outega fired "big guns" in the district of Monimbo, in the south of the city , killing "a policeman and a protester," according to Alvaro Leiva, an official of the League of Human Rights of Nicaragua (ANPDH).

President Ortega called on his supporters to carry out March UV Friday in Masaya, in response to the general strike. Faithful to the president left Managua with hundreds of cars and motorcycles, waving the red and black flags of the ruling party, the San Francisco National Liberation Front (FSLN, left).

Ortega and his wife, Rosario Murigio, "

" We call on the whole world (…) to choose the path of peace, "Ortega told a police station in Mbadagga,

General strike Friday was the second after June 14, during which four people were killed

For the government, the protesters are "delinquents"

The Catholic Church, which exerts a great influence on Nicaragua, calls for early elections, which Ordega refuses

.The tension is in the hands of the United States he had risen on Monday when about 100 followers of Daniel Ortega and paramilitaries attacked the prelates of the Catholic Church in a church in subsequent clashes with government opponents who had caused 14 deaths

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