Nicaragua: In 292 the deaths of the episodes of the last three months


At least 292 people were killed in protests against the government of President Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua, according to a new report released Monday by an NGO

The Center for Human Rights of the Country (CENIDH ) reported that the report of the victims, according to the data available to more than 280 dead so far, has now increased to 292, including 20 policemen and about thirty paramilitaries or supporters of the Ortega government

D & # 39; Other human rights organizations give even more weight, such as the Nicaraguan League of Human Rights (ANPDH), which has 350 dead and 2,000 wounded.

The government has not officially released a report on the deaths of episodes

The wave of protests that erupted on April 18, originally on the occasion of the a plan to reform the social security system that was abandoned very quickly, had unprecedented dimensions in Nicaragua. The protesters' main claim is the departure of Ortega, a former rebel, who has been in the presidency since 2007, after his first term in power from 1979 to 1990. His opponents accuse Ortega of imposing a "dictatorship" his wife, Rosario Mourigo, vice-president of his government

Ortega again denied Monday any possibility of resigning and refuses to accelerate the presidential election, which would normally take place in 2021, denouncing a "conspiracy of opposition ".

In an interview with US television channel Fox News, Ortega says the long episodes that have rocked his country since April are now over

. The Standard and Poor's (S & P) rating lowered Nicaragua's state bonds from B + to B on Monday, with a negative outlook due to the political crisis in the country

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