No answer to the Skopje shame map from the Department of National Defense


27/11/18 • 09:32 | UPD 27/11/18 • 10:00


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But it's not just the deafening silence of the Department of National Defense, it's that the card is still hanging!

We are still in the last twenty-four hours and the Department of National Defense has not even found a word to answer the Sunday Free Press release.

The fish silenced by the political leadership of the ministry for the map on its website, which displays Skopje as "Macedonia", arouses reasonable anger. Perhaps, of course, they think that the statement of apology that accompanies it is sufficient and that it lays the blame in … Google.

But it's not just the deafening silence of the Department of National Defense, it's that the card is still hanging! We recall that, according to the report of Athanasios Angelopoulos of the Sunday Eleutheros Press, the website of the Ministry of the Interior, where are presented the properties offered for rent, the photographic equipment and the videos are accompanied by an identification card. potential investors under the heading "Portfolio Portfolio".

This map north of Thessaloniki, in the Skopje region, writes "Macedonia" and parentheses of the FYROM. Officials, when they apparently understood that it was a major political and historical failure, were victims of a remark: "The name" Macedonia "attributed to the Neighboring country, as shown on the map, was awarded to Google Inc., owner of "Google Maps" application maps, write in their note and continue: "The use of the application does not does not constitute an acceptance of the specific name by the Greek Government, whose official name is "Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)".

From the printed version of the Free Press

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