No evidence of regulatory infraction – SKAI (


Vote Leave, the official group that took the Brexit election campaign in the 2016 UK referendum, declared that there was no evidence of illegality, responding to the announcement of the British Electoral Commission that she fined him

"The Electoral Commission's report contains a number of false categories and errors that are totally inaccurate and can not be relied upon "

Indeed, he accused the Electoral Commission that the voting leave withstood his investigation and committed serious violations of the law, that it was politically motivated and noted that the vote was convinced that its conclusions would be rejected

The British Electoral Commission had announced a little earlier that it had fined Vote Leave, the official group that had run the Brexit election campaign, for having ole the spending regulation for the 2016 referendum and that she referred it to the police.

Two years after the referendum, which was decided by 51.9% of voters against 48.1% of Britain's exit from the EU, the United Kingdom, the political elites and the Businesses remain deeply divided as to whether the country should leave the EU on March 29, 2019, and if so, how does it do so.

Although many Brexit opponents accuse a campaign in favor of the EU's exit for fraud in the referendum, his head The British Electoral Commission Clare Bbadett told the BBC radio station that his research was focused only on violations of electoral rules

The Electoral Commission announced that Vote Leave had worked with another group in favor of Brexit, BeLeave, it spent 675,000 pounds with Aggregate IQ, a company that used data from social media to attract voters on the basis of a joint project with Vote Leave

. "We found significant evidence that the two teams were working together, did not report their joint work, and did not meet the statutory spending limits," said Bob Posner, Director of the Commission. Election on Funding and Regulatory Matters

Poseer added that Vote Leave had resisted the search "However, the numbers we found are clear and substantial," said Mr. Ponser. "These are serious violations laws pbaded by Parliament to ensure the fairness and transparency of elections and referendums, "he added.

A vote of 61,000 books in the Vote Leave group and the Election Commission summoned David Halsall, elected Darren Graham, founder of the BeLeave group, to the police for misrepresentation of election expenses.

Brexit supporters complain that they are fighting a temptation "It all suggests that the so-called impartial commission has political motives and not the disclosure of events," said a spokesman for the Vote Vote following the announcement. announcement of the Electoral Commission

according to the British Electoral Commission. it is the responsibility of the campaign organizers to ensure that an accurate and complete reimbursement of election expenses is made on time.

The Commission opened an investigation in November 2017 when it found evidence that the dismissal leave was paid for money in the IQ aggregated within 10 days before the referendum

L & # 39; survey also revealed that the cost of the referendum campaign amounted to 7,449,079.34 pounds and exceeded the 7 million pounds set by law

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