Nobody went to Makron at the airport. The guards welcomed SKAI (



The couple was already in the car waiting for them and had to go out to greet the Argentinian delegation.



The unanimity in the protocol culminated in the first meeting of French President Emmanuel Macron in Buenos Aires, where he was scheduled to attend the G20 summit, to be an airport employee who naturally wore … a yellow vest .

When he left his plane last night and no Argentinian official had accepted it, the French president exchanged a handshake with an airport employee who had just opened the door, dressed in clothes. a bright yellow vest. color, symbol in France of the protest movement of fuel prices.

Then Emmanuel Makron welcomed a second employee to the terminal of Ezeiza International Airport, reported a reporter from the French agency.

A few minutes later, Argentine Vice President Gabriela Miceti arrived at the airport to greet the French presidential couple, Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron.

The couple had already boarded the car and was waiting for them and had to go out to greet the Argentinian delegation.

Emmanuel Macron arrives at the top of the G2O in Argentina, reaches out with a vest at the airport of Buenos Aires,

– Vlad Fabian (@vlafbi) November 29, 2018

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