The Nokia X6 was officially announced by HMD Global as Nokia 6.1 Plus for purchases outside of China. The smartphone will be coming out first in Hong Kong as we speculated last week, bundled with features and hardware similar to the X6 with its only software. The 6.1 Plus is part of Google's Android One and runs Android 8.1 Oreo while the Chinese version has its own custom ROM. Another difference is the only storage option with 4 + 64GB while the X6 comes with several options
The Nokia 6.1 Plus features a 5.9-inch 19.9-inch 5-inch HD display, 9 inches and Corning Gorilla 2.5D Glbad 3. It is powered by a Snapdragon 636 processor. The memory can be expanded from an SD card to 400GB. The smartphone has a dual camera with a 16 megapixel main lens with f / 2.0 aperture and a 5 megapixel lens with f / 2.4 aperture. Opposite there is a camera of 16 megapixels with diaphragm f / 2.0 for selfies. Inside, you'll find a 3060mAh battery that supports fast charging. Mobile sales are expected to start Tuesday at $ 292.
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