North Macedonia: In invitation to NATO, despite Karmaem and spy games


The masks for the government and personally for Defense Minister Panos Kammenos fell. "Macedonia North" has been officially invited to join NATO, officials are already greeted on the 30th, foreign ministers openly speak of "Macedonia" without even identifying it geographically, and the government is playing still to political games.

A sad image in Brussels while Mrs. Tsipras and Kotzias opened the door of Macedonia to join NATO and Panos Kammenos was playing a theater trying to save itself politically by putting back the mask of Makrodomochos

Yesterday Donate in Brussels confirmed what most knew: that the summit of Bucharest, the veto that it was non-integration of Macedonia to NATO, went on foot and was replaced by Brussels earlier from Prespa.

Greece has agreed that it can not veto the membership of the neighboring country even if the Prespa agreement collapses. The invitation addressed to Zoran Zaev contains certain points that attest to the integration of the neighboring country either as "Northern Macedonia" or in FYROM

The joint declaration states: We appreciate the stable support of the Macedonia to NATO operations and missions. make contributions to international security. "This means that the country can now take part in the business

Mr Ges Stollbenberg, a member of NATO, has welcomed the historic agreement on the name of the country. FYROM and stressed that NATO calls the government of Skopje to start accession negotiations, because it became clear that the completion of the country's procedures is given and overwhelming … against all [19659002] Another feature is the statement made by the German Defense Minister Ursula von Leiden, supporting our "Macedonian friends", as he said on the sidelines of the NATO Summit

"L & # Germany strongly supports NATO's invitation to our Macedonian friends, "he said.

He then spoke of the presidential referendum on the Prespa agreement, saying:" I want a very positive result, it is very important for us to join our Macedonian friends in NATO. "

And as if all this has not happened was not the case, Zoran Zaev showed the attitude that he will adopt from now on, a position that has emerged recently

The Prespa agreement guaranteed the separation of Macedonians from Macedonia of Macedonians from Macedonia, FYROM Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, apparently told the BBC that Panos Kammenos … had come out of national pride for his support. provides the government

Zaev is reminded that FPR erga omnes Greece secure name (all-purpose), but for their part from Skopje received "erga omnes identity".

As it is stated, the country's "Macedonians" have a distinct history and culture. Asked whether the future governments of Skopje would seek a "Greater Macedonia", he refrained from answering diplomatically saying that "Great Macedonia" had Alexander the Great while he was in charge of the 39, Macedonian identity and language. today, Macedonia has its own Macedonia. He badured that Skopje equitably respects the existing borders

No word for "North" by the Prime Minister of the neighboring country. And all this while Kammen's theater continued. The Secretary of Defense has avoided many photos, but history has recorded its presence in Brussels. And he said in his statements: "They can collect invitations and take pictures, but they will not go to NATO as long as they use the term" Macedonia ", the truth is different and will punish him when the time comes
Tsipras should seek another government majority to agree in January 2019.

Spying Games

Yesterday, the same day as Skopje the guest Justice, in a move of surprise, the government confirmed a report to break in Greece – relations Russia and expulsions of Russian diplomats.Moscow responded, and a cold war is ongoing

Regardless of incidents occurred, the disclosure of the break occurred at a time when it clearly showed Maximi's intentions to disorient the world of Brussels.In fact, Athens had informed Moscow a few days ago, the government was aware, and obviously the ser Secret vices exactly what happened yesterday were chosen for obvious reasons.

On the other hand, there are many questions. Nobody clarified exactly what is meant by attempted bribery of state officials

. When did this happen and why did not the part of Skopje have a reaction? No attempt was made to influence the neighboring country, but only in Greece

It is evident that the attempt to "bind" the plot denounced by Kammenos and other government officials for the purpose of show that there is an underground war around Skopje, involving secret services, foreign powers, courtesy institutions, entrepreneurs, etc.

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