Northeast rhinoceros hybrid embryos born


Europeans and other scientists, using badisted procreation techniques, created in their workshop the first hybrid embryos of Northern rhinoceros. , the most endangered mammal, with only two animals of this type in the world.

The realization raises the hope of saving even the genes of the northern white nerve. after the recent death of the last male, there are only two females left in the world.

In vitro fertilization has been used in the past in large mammals such as horses, but for the first time they have successfully cultured embryos in the laboratory. a stage of the blastocyst, which is ripe for implantation in a female.

The researchers, led by Thomas Wildebrand of the Institute of Zoological Studies, Labin, Berlin, and Cheesere Gally of the Avantea Medical Laboratory, published HR in the journal "Nature Communications."

are hybrid embryos because they are a hybrid of white rhino and a neighboring species of rhinoceros. The researchers used frozen sperm from dead white male rhinos and, as there are few female eggs of this type, they fertilized, by microfertilization or insemination, the eggs of the southern white rhinoceros.

Hybrid embryos of northern and southern white rhinos, which reached the blastocyst stage and were frozen for future implantation in females. The next challenge for scientists is to successfully implant the hybrid fetus, then the pregnancy, and to take eggs from the two females of the living northern rhinoceros so that the following laboratory embryos no longer need to To be hybrids. with southern white rhino.

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