Not only did he find the wallet he lost in flight, but he also had more money in it


A pleasant surprise awaited a young man of 20 who had lost wallet from a Frontier Airlines flight.

Hunter Shamatt returned to Omaha (Nebraska) from Las Vegas where he had gone for his sister's wedding. In plane lost his wallet, which contained his identity card, a credit card, a paid check and $ 60 in cash.

She contacted the company to inform her about it, while her mother reported the incident to Facebook to ask for help.

The days pbaded, Frontier Airlines said it did not locate the wallet and the 20-year-old has lost hope.

Until the day when a package arrived at the family home, which contained the wallet with all things, a handwritten note and additional money!

"He was found on the Frontier flight from Omaha to Denver, in line 12, position F wedged between seat and wall.I thought you might want to get it back.I wish the best.S: J & # 39; I rounded up the money by bringing it up to $ 100 to celebrate the wallet.Well, are you going !!! ", says the note, while the sender did not write d & # 39; Other than the initials "TB".

The only helpful badet was a return address contained in the envelope. The family posted the note on Facebook and soon the message went viral with over 1,000 republications.

The good Samaritan was finally found and the family thanked him publicly for his act. He's called Todd Brown and is the father of five children. Speaking to Yahoo! he said that he had found the wallet while he was living. Seeing that it belongs to a young man of 20, he remembers being young without money. For this reason, he wanted to give the young something to make him happy.

"I was 20 years old and sometimes $ 100 is enough for a child.I wanted to entertain myself as I wanted to have fun too.I imagined that it would recover your lost wallet and I would like to have fun. so I added a little money to entertain him, "he said.

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