NW embraced notions of Golden Dawn – Newsbeast


At the request of the Athenian-Macedonian News Agency, he worries about the "New Democracy, he suspects practices of the far right," he argues to Mytilene , attending a SYRIZA event, the secretary of the Central Committee of the Party, Panos Rigas. SYRIZA the phenomena of far right rhetoric and similar practice that have been observed recently, Mr. Rigas replied: "It is obvious that we are worried and we are worried

We, however, an attitude , which has diminished, has set aside what has appeared all the previous years, especially with the Golden Dawn.We are not the ones who have given the opportunity to grow in the Golden Dawn , so even put it in the House. "

" Today, Golden Dawn, and this is not accidental, it appears in the public discourse and participates in all these phenomena. New Democracy has embraced these perceptions, positions and practices.In all this, SYRIZA declares its confidence in society and in progressive Greece with deep anti-fascist roots, "concluded the secretary of the Central Committee of SYRIZA

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