"Obligations" of Ukrainian captured broadcast on Russian television (video) World


Russian television presents three of the 24 Ukrainian sailors arrested, making statements already reported by the Ukrainian side that they were dictated by the Russian services.

One of the sailors, named Vladimir Lesovoy, said he was aware of the provocative nature of Ukrainian energy. He states that he ran a military naval unit and was part of a naval mission. "I deliberately ignored the requests that had reached us on the radio," he said, adding that there were weapons on board.

A second Ukrainian, Andrey Drat, told the camera that he was going to the Nipol fighter ship to leave Odessa to get to Mariupol. They repeatedly asked us to leave the Russian territorial waters, "and a third Ukrainian, Sherey Tsimbizov, made a similar statement.

The Russian FSB has released a video of "confession" of Ukrainian sailors captured last night#Russia #Ukraine pic.twitter.com/jCFNGTQSj3

– CNW (@ConflictsW) November 26, 2018

The head of the Ukrainian navy said the three men were forced to lie.

"I know these sailors, they have always been honest professionals in their work and what they said is not true," said Ihor Voronecko.

Source: BBC

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