Official: Liverpool player, Alison – Liverpool


The Brazilian goalkeeper was in Liverpool and underwent medical exams with both teams who found everything, and the announcement of the "reds" remaining to finalize the case. The transcript reminds us that she closed at 75m euros with Liverpool making a record money given to get a goalkeeper.

Alison made her first statements on the Liverpool website saying: "I'm happy, it's a dream come true to wear the jersey of a high-level club that still wants win, a very big step in the career and you can be sure that I will give it all. " " After a jury, Jurgen Klop, who also spoke on the band's website, In recent weeks, we had the opportunity to catch one of the best golfers in the world, and we did not arrive too late, we had to talk to the owners and we were excited, so we decided to go from the before

has to do with the price, we do not order the price, it is the market chi is and we have not thought about it. "

While for the money that he spent he noted:

"That shows the value of the gulpiper, surely, for the moment, and there will be handsome shot in the next few weeks, I believe, and we are happy to have it here. he is good enough and he is a good man, and he has a lot of experience in recent years in Europe with the Roma that he played at a high level and he did the same in World Cup. "

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