Official: PAOK player the young Kyriakos Yaxis – PAOK


PAOK won the battle of Olympiacos and made his own eighteen-year-old medium Kyriakos Yakis who signed for three years in the Thessaloniki team

Yakis broke out in the middle of last season in Panserraikos. Serbian team on November 25, 2017. Since then, he has played nine matches in the football league but has been enough to activate the PAOK and Olympic teams scouting divisions but also smaller teams such as PAS and Asteras.

For the young international instrument of the children's team, he had gone to Serres, the powerful man NOT, Giorgos Christovasilis, to see him fight. Also in the following period the young man was at the top of the list of Asteras people and even found himself near Arkades

Finally PAOK was the one who made him his offering a three-year contract while that he will initially join the K20 of the Thessaloniki team

"PAOK FC announces the acquisition of Kyriakos Yaxies by Panserraikos with free transfer." The young actress signed a contract with Bicek until 2021 and will join the K20 team

Born in Serres on April 3, 2001 and from an early age he joined the Paneraikos subsidiary Pegasus de Serres, with his excellent appearances at the local championship and the jersey of the EPC Mixed Serres, with which he won the Panhellenic Championship, being a leader, gave him a promotion to the great Panserraikos team with whom he played 13 appearances in the Champions League last season. At the same time, Yaxis was also invited to the National Children and made excellent appearances.

After relegation, he is one of the greatest hopes of Greek football. of Panserraikos in the third national category, the young ace remained free, and despite the interest of many clubs, both inside and outside the country, he decided to dress in black and white

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