Official: Speaker HKK – AEK


Following the suggestion of Luke Banky the Union filed a renewal proposal at the American Center, which in turn also showed signs of residence . Vincenzo Henderson has finally responded positively to AEK's proposal and will be competing with the yellow and white season and Union Sunday night (22/7) formalized his agreement with him.

The 2017-18 mid-season of Vincenzo Henderson replaced Chinamelem Helon in the AEK lineup and had an average of 9 points and 2.8 rebounds in the Basketball League and 8.9 points and 4.4 rebounds to the Basketball Champions League

The AEK BK announced today that (22/07) Hader Wines (23k, 2m.03) has signed the renewal of its contract with the l 39; AEK until 1900 in the summer of 2019, for another year.

The American center, one of the protagonists of the glorious course of our group during the period that has ended, continues (1969006)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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