One million a day "cleans" the gold circuit "Richard" (video)


Half a million a day

Incredible numbers and millions of millions of euros from smuggling gold pledges and theft that ended up on the "black market" of Turkey.

They ran down and looted a smelter and carried daily books of gold and silver plates to Turkey in tourist buses accompanied by unaccompanied parcels between Athens and Constantinople. In one case, the driver had been arrested at 12,000 euros with 17,000 gold bullion. , weighing 24.6 kg, an estimated value of around 600,000 euros and a large gold coin.

The outstanding business figure was 400,000 euros a day and it is impossible to accurately calculate the total profit of their illegal activity at this stage, which is certainly hundreds of millions …

It is a huge circle of gold miners and smugglers who have played a leading role for at least 2 to 3 years, a Syros and a Turkish Turk who traded gold and silver plates on the black market. Turkey. the famous Greek businessman "Richard" with a multitude of pawnbrokers throughout the country, as well as other pawn shops offering legitimate coverage on the circuit.

In fact, the main members of the circuit set a gold purchase price, contrary to its international exchange rate, and thus quickly withdrew from the competition. Through their illegal activity, they had inexhaustible access to cash that helped them not only to finance their illicit activities, but also to collect all the gold and silver from the market.

The major police operations of the Security Division of the northeastern part of Attica and the security department of Maroussi, with the badistance of the security services of Attica, GADA and ECAM, aimed at dismantling the two major criminal organizations routinely operating in the illicit trafficking of gold, were ongoing yesterday and were completed this afternoon.

A total of 63 people were arrested, the accused included in the case counting more than 80 people and having seized gold and silver as well as weapons, large sums of money, a lot of gold, etc. All those arrested were accompanied by a large group of police officers to the Midday Prosecutor

Some of the gold-plated goldsmiths, worth several million, probably also comes from robbery and robbery, while it is recalled that the same service of EL.AS. had also dismantled the infamous "mafia romani" with the labyrinth of organization and multi-year action, responsible for hundreds of robberies and burglaries in homes in Attica and in the province.

In this case, still in the hands of the authorities, the security guards concluded that thieves had liquidated the theft in such pawnbrokers' homes. Admittedly, the authorities do not consider it the only spiral whose theft ended in the smelters of the smelter, but in the same way, through the stewards, the Georgian mafia "Vor V Zakone" and D & V Other minor criminals have been channeled to these pawnbrokers. organizations that systematically acted like theft, burglary and home theft.

The official presentation of the case

For the case, the afternoon of the official presentation Wednesday of all aspects of the security of Attica. In particular, the Director of the Attica Security Directorate, Brigadier George Kanellos, said about the case:

"Today's presentation concerns an important topic addressed by the Attica Security Directorate, namely the Maritime Safety Department of Marousi and the Northern Security Division." -is Attica.

After several months of research, the above-mentioned agencies succeeded in dismantling two major criminal organizations, which had been active for two years in the illicit trafficking of gold, mainly in the form of scrap metal, by multiplying infringements by not paying legitimate taxes. and other legal charges on the purchase, sale, receipt, marketing, possession, storage and illegal export to Turkey

The quantities of gold came from the merger of unknown origin of jewelery and other valuables, held by means of purchases and pledges, and it would appear that some of them were proceeds of crime.

It is estimated that, due to the illegal activity of these two criminal organizations, the Greek state has been denied customs duties and taxes amounting to several million dollars. ; euro. Following a vast police operation held on November 27, 2018 in Athens, Thessaloniki, Alexandroupolis and Volos by police from the security division of the northeastern part of Attica, the department of the security of Maramures, ECAM, Hellenic Police and the badistance of other police officers. GADA, Division of Attic Security and Regional Services, 63 members of the organizations were arrested.

After dozens of investigations into homes, shops and homes, large amounts of gold, silver, jewelery, precious stones, silver and firearms were seized and seized .

The spokesman of the Greek police will give the details of the aforementioned case. In conclusion, I would like to thank and congratulate all the police officers who contributed to the deconstruction of these two criminal organizations for their professionalism and zeal. "

For the same case, the spokesman of the police, Theodoros Chronopoulos, director of the Hellenic police, said:

"As you have reported the commander of the services of the Directorate of security of Attica, two major independent criminal organizations have been dismantled.They were smuggling gold into Greek territory and Were exporting to a neighboring country.

The case was handled by the Maroussi Security Department in cooperation with the Northeast Attica Security Division, while the investigations were supported by the Attica Security Directorate, as well as that by the division of the General Police of Attica, the Department of Combating Organized Crime and Human Trafficking at the Security Directorate of Thessaloniki, The Security Division of Volos, the Department of Police Alexandroupolis and the Special Unit for Combating Terrorism and the Fight against Terrorism (EKAM).

Yesterday morning, November 27, 2018, simultaneous police operations took place in Athens, Thessaloniki, Alexandroupolis and Volos, which resulted in the arrest of 63 members of both circuits, including 55 nationals and 8 foreigners. More than 22 people were identified and searched for in the file.

To their detriment, a bodily record was created for criminal offenses, if any, breaches of the National Customs Code – criminal trafficking, acceptance and disposition of the proceeds of crime, prevention and suppression of money laundering. criminal activities and the financing of terrorism, usury, falsification, the law of arms and addictive substances.

In order to proceed with the complete deconstruction and verification of all illegal activities of both groups, a police investigation of several months was carried out on the Greek territory. All techniques prior to criticism (police research, physical and technical surveillance, secrecy, interconnection, information, etc.), as well as the clbadification and correlation of preliminary material were used. It has been shown that its members have trained and joined at least the last two years. years, having a specific structure and sustainable action.

The preliminary survey revealed the methodology of action of individual members and both groups, as well as their hierarchical structure. More specifically, it appears from the progress and evolution of the investigations that two distinct criminal organizations, whose head office is located in the center of Athens and whose network extends throughout the Greek territory, are involved in offense of smuggling gold, mainly in the form of scrap, via committing more criminal offenses to prevent the payment of legitimate taxes and other legitimate legal burdens during the purchase, sale, sale or sale the receipt, delivery, trade, possession, storage and illegal export to Kia. The quantities of gold came from the amalgamation of the unknown origin of jewelery, books and other valuables in their possession, purchased or pledged, and it would appear that some of these objects were a product of the crime.

Both groups have been active for an unknown time, but for at least two years now, with a corporate structure, that is, a clear division of roles for their members, as well as many other means. technical and financial, in order to maximize economic benefits.

They even carried out illegal transactions, without risk of random checks, because they were generally "legal" because they operated under the guise of legitimate companies that moved daily and had large sums exceeding € 400,000.

The main feature of the organizations was that, thanks to the abundance of their financial means, especially the main members, they financed their members daily, with the aim of buying almost all the gold that the citizens Promoted or sold in related stores with minimal money and gold purchase from any source of irrelevant origin.

The criminal activity was aimed at the smuggling of gold and, in particular, continued and uninterrupted illegal export to Turkey, mainly through tourist buses operating on the Athens-Athens line. Istanbul and vice versa.

A typical case of gold transfer is the arrest of a member of the criminal organization working on a tourist bus in possession of which was seized the money of 12 000 euros, as well as 17 bullion bars. weighing 24.6 kilograms, with an estimated value of around 600 000 euros and a significant amount. gold coin.

In addition, the two criminal organizations worked, with a cover of legitimate businesses, with a similar purpose of illegal activity, thus ensuring coverage and avoidance of the consequences of the law.

The profits they generated from their criminal activities legitimized them by acquiring goods such as the purchase of luxury homes, land, vehicles and boats, developing businesses, and so on. through specific processes covering the three stages of legalization required by law, namely laying, layering and integration.

In addition, a legitimation is also the fact that they lived a luxurious life.

Codes used by circuit members in their conversations

"In their inter-phone communications, members of criminal organizations used coded words and phrases to describe the objects in which they were active, such as:

Sugar: Gold.
Yellow: Gold.
End: 24 carat gold
A piece of heavy: A kilo of gold.
Round: British Pounds.
Girls: Gold Books from England.
Metal / Iron: Ripped gold in scrap form
Travelers: Packages containing gold and silver.
Lines: Thousands of Euro.
Papers: Money.

The first criminal organization had 130 stock markets, a gold market, whose daily turnover for the two organizations was around € 400,000. "
They jointly formed the price of gold purchase pledges and flights

"The aforementioned criminal organizations acted independently of each other in terms of their constitution and management of their funds, but the action of each organization was known to the other. members of the organizations had agreed on the purchase price of gold, in order to eliminate competition between them and increase their profits.

Interconnection at the chief level implied the "conclusion of agreements", which were of a fixed nature and allowed criminal organizations to operate simultaneously and simultaneously without the action of a single entity. 39 Influence the other, quite the contrary, according to the purpose of the action, collaborations also existed.

According to investigations carried out in the homes and stores of the relevant parties, gold plates of a weight of 30.4 kg, worth 545,000 euros, plates and pure gold weighing 6.2 kg, worth 235,600 euros, worth 513 kg of silver 220,590 euros, 1,121 gold books worth 330,695 euros, 360 gold coins, 18 gemstones, a precious stone ring worth 56,900 euros, two images of gold. apparent age, 850,000 euros, checks of 60,500 euros, 5 firearms, 15 shotguns, two airbrush, 212 cartridges and a small amount of cannabis.

According to the aforementioned activities of members of criminal organizations, the shortfall for the Greek government would amount to several million euros. This amount will be determined accurately as part of the judicial inquiry into the case.

The arrested persons were handed over to the Attorney General of Athens in the case against them ".

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