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Yiorgos Dionis and Nikos Dabizas, regardless of how his debates unfold Yannis Alafouzou and Pairoz Pembongsad for the change of ownership of CF, continue to direct transcriptional planning based on

The little money that they have to make available, has already started to pose a problem, even in the theoretically easy cases of young greek players, for which they need to give money for get them from their teams or

Sportdog.gr informed you with a report on the "collage" that is observed in the case of Argyris Kambetsis, while the latest information indicate that he "freezes" the transcription of Achilles Phugouras, of the young ace who would come to Triplai as free, with the PAOK retaining a significant resale rate, which would reach 40-50%

. According to the latest information from Thessaloniki, the case of the talented central defender was … blocked due to the PAOK In the biceps, they decided that it was good not to let the footballer leave because made it a "gift" to Trifillis and did not want such comments to circulate.

Relations between the two clubs have been restored but PAOK thinks that Phuhurra's transcription for … can eventually cause a "loss" to the club. Of course, the situation is quite fluid, so nothing is certain.

Panathinaikos will push very hard in the coming days to complete the transcript and can not fail to succeed, even by putting a small clause on

Even the temporary attachment of the &. Phugouras case and the delay in the transcription of Kambetsis, show how difficult and marginal is the situation in summer. Panathinaikos

Dionis and Dabizas try to make a list with a minimum of and there is no "additional price" of Pembongs after the agreement with Alawouzos , then the situation will be really difficult

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