PAOK qualified for PAOK qualification (photos and videos) Champions League and PAOK


2-1 in Touba gives a small lead to PAOK against Basel. Lutsencu and his players know that they will have trouble at Zandt Jacob Park but are ready to take the ticket for the third qualifying round.

Once this happens, we recall that the "Bicep North" will face Spartak Moscow

The mission that flew to qualify:

Rey, Paschalakis, Glykos, Matos , Kitsiou, Lyratzis, Vierinia, Krespo, Varela, Hatseridis, Malezas, Pelekas, El Canturi, Limnius, Warda, Lambrou, Zambas, Mystakidis, Prigovic "

The reason why Luts team decided to take with him 23 players has to do with the fact that the team will stay in Basel after the end of the race and will train Thursday morning (2/8) on Swiss territory before entering the plane for return to (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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