Parliament: The division of Athens II was voted with 241 votes


Again, the electronic voting system in the House was "stuck", so the Bureau was not sure of the final outcome of the "Cleisthenes" bill.

It seems that MPs are in a hurry to vote all together in the e – voting – because they were in a hurry to go home and others because they had reserved tickets for the first time. to travel to their constituencies.

The President, Spyros Lykoudis, asked the deputies not to leave, until electronic ψ so that the House can be badured that everything went well. Indeed, as he said, jokingly, "a system is this, what to do? Do not we say we are anti-somatic?"

Finally, the division of the second Athens was voted with 241 voice and will be valid from the next elections

In favor of division, excluding SYRIZA, New Democracy, The movement of change and the river, far exceeding the threshold of 200 votes required for a constitutional change to place in the next elections

The Kleisthenes bill was voted in principle and articles with differentiations, but with a majority – more precisely, with 150 votes for and 123 votes against it.

In particular, sections 28 and 56, which establish simple proportions in municipal and regional elections, were adopted by 161 votes in favor and 111 against. The amendment to the division of Athens II and the Attica region was voted by 241 votes against 31 votes against. The amendment on the simultaneous conduct of municipal elections and European elections was voted by 149 votes to 122, while a deputy voted "present".

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