Penelope brought snow to Thrace – The temperature has dropped 14 ° C in 24 hours! [εικόνες]


In the "white" regions of northern Greece were dressed, as the bad weather "Penelope" swept the country.

Since the afternoon of Wednesday, the first snows began to fall in the regions of Evros and Rodopi.

In Orestiada and in the villages of the municipality, the snowfall is intense and the roads have appeared: snowblowers and salt pans to stay open. Similar scenario in the municipality of Triangle.

Snow on Evros

Orestiada and the villages of the municipality, the snowfall is intense and in the streets, they have appeared snowblowers and saline to stay open

This is also the scenery at the Makaza – Nymphaia border crossing, as reported by "Nea Thrace".

Depending on weather conditions, the temperature in northern Greece dropped by 14 points (from 16 to 2) in 24 hours.

The scenery at the Makaza - Nymphaea border crossing,

The temperature in northern Greece has dropped 14 degrees (from 16 to 2) in 24 hours

Photos: Weather Thraki Nea & Nea Thraki

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