Before a strange discovery, a resident of Kretschacher, New Zealand, went to clean a beach a few days ago in the wake of a violent storm that hit the area.
Hana Mary and her mother cleaned up the shore when, after countless pieces of wood that had been washed away and plastic bags, they fell on a strange skeleton. The creature had nails in the fins, two "hands", a long tail, an elongated head and terrifying teeth.
The strange creature was found on a rocky and steep slope on the beach. The girl was initially reluctant to move her, fearing that this would be toxic, but curiosity changed her. Upload their photos on social media, users giving their own version.
Finally, one scientist hypothesized that it was a New Zealand skull, Dipturus nasutus.
"It's like a flat shark, it has a cartilaginous skeleton, it spends much of its life at the bottom," says Dr. Malcolm Francis, adding that nails and "hands" are only available for men and used for mating.
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