Police in the circuit with pawnbroker Richard! Continuous revelations about stolen gold


28.11.2018 | 12:41

Press room

– A policeman is involved in the circuit with the gold stolen
– The pawnbroker is considered by the policeman as the leading member of the circuit
– Incredible profits from the sale of gold in Turkey

Continuous revelations on the vast circuit of stolen gold. In addition to the famous pawnbroker Richard, the police think that a police officer is involved in the circuit, as well as other pawnshops as well as common criminal law people.

The police placed the circle of high-ranking prisoners Richard in the hierarchy of the circuit of the leaders. They accuse him of cooperating with other pawnbrokers and air hostesses and handling huge amounts of thefts.

All indications are that the circuit was working with another group of bandits and burglars. Among them, they obtained large quantities of stolen goods from houses and jewelers, which were then melted and sold as stems in Turkey.

The role of the police officer is still unknown. Official announcements of EL.AS. for the huge business is expected in the afternoon.

Report: Th. Panou

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