Police seized Ecstasy tablets shaped Trab's head – SKAI (www.skai.gr)



An airline, skyscrapers, ties, wines, nets, used the trade name "Tramp" to promote commercial goods of all kinds, shapes and tastes.
03/07/2018 – 02:17


An airline, skyscrapers, links, wines and nets used the Tramp trademark to promote products of all kinds, form and taste.

However, the US police recently discovered that even a new product seeks to exploit the image of the US president of drugs and ecstasy.

Indiana State Police seized small orange tablets in June. in a form similar to that of the head of the tycoon. On the back, they write "Great Again", it's obviously a closure of the eye to their users, as the phrase refers to the central pre-election slogan of the current "White House" (1968). Photos of drug tablets given Friday by Indiana police, caused many reactions on social networking sites, many of which had a good dose of black humor

"They promise nirvana, but you end up having depression c empty pockets, "said one person through Twitter.A second warned potential buyers to stay away from these pills: they contain" lies and hatred. "

Several traffickers of this particular drug often choose prototypes shapes and colors to attract the attention of users and make sure that they will be faithful

About 5000 tablets of the drug Ecstasy with the shape of the head of Donald Trub had already been confiscated in Germany in August 2017.

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