Political advice of any matter in the middle of polarization


With all the basic national and economic issues, the SYRIZA Political Council is expected to meet this morning in the SYRIZA offices in Koumoundourou, at a time when the polarization between SYRIZA and SW is red against the backdrop of ND. for a favored loan arrangement of the case of the Cypriot brothers, but also for the friendly treatment of the brother of the Prime Minister of the Paraskevopoulos law, with Maximos and the Tsipras brothers answering the appeals before the trial

however, the National issues should be at the heart of the debate, Prime Minister informing members of the party organ of one-week contacts with Turkish Prime Minister, Tayyip Erdogan, at the NATO summit and the prospect of the Greek-Turkish agreement. who, despite the appointment, remains unclear

In addition, Mr. Tsipras should also report on the dark matter that took place the previous days, with the expulsion of Russian diplomats, but also allegations concerning the 39 action of the Russian agent in northern Greece. This is not a secret, however, that in Maksimos the action of a particular businessman in northern Greece is interesting, and yesterday, in the US media, Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev denounced the corruption of citizens and groups of Greek businessmen. have responded to the Prespa agreement and added that the neighboring judicial authorities are already investigating the matter. However, the government, verbatim and government spokesman, Dimitris Tzanakopoulos, yesterday (Real FM) is trying to silence things and not to open a front against Russia, in order to effectively respond to an attempt to engage third parties in the interior of the country. and the communication channel that was developed for the visit of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to Athens in September should not collapse.

Beyond that, and since this will be the last meeting of the institution before the end of the program, the discussion should take place for the period after leaving the Memorandum and established priorities, SYRIZA is politically reconnected with the layers and social groups who put it forward and should be supported again in the run up to the elections, when they take place. The debate will also focus on social support measures for the weakest, with several ministers and officials of SYRIZA … in search of what will be the pensions and the recent German "blockade" of the Eurogroup, with a 28% rate the financial impact of the suspension of VAT on islands that remove the weight of refugees. Maxim, however, remains cautiously optimistic that the issue can be resolved and the government has extra and strong paper in his hands.

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