Politico: A political disaster for the United States Trab


US President Donald Trub's meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin could become a political disaster for the United States, according to Politico.

Millions of Americans Think Putin Has a Devastating Influence on the Trab [19659002] The US Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit last week against 12 Russian military pirates for their participation in the presidential election of 2016.

Commentators and members of Congress have asked Trab to cancel the meeting today with President Putin

On the other hand, the anger caused by this meeting pushes President Trab to seek even more.

For his political supporters, the US president's policy of meeting with Putin may have positive results, at least on the basis of hard-line US President voters. According to the polls, these voters are sympathetic to the Russian president, while rejecting as new builds the questions that have been asked about the possible links between Trab's campaign and Russia.

This trend seemed to be the best way on Saturday for Fox News when Shaunhani, who is President Trabp's most important ally in the US media sector, expressed his opinion on the mistake made by those who criticize Trab, believing that Putin who is a former Russian intelligence agent will try to take him away at this meeting with the tramp

Hanite threw his private jet to Helsinki and is there last week [19659002"Everyoneinthemediahascaughtitbadly-itwillbecrudeandpracticallystraightforwardaswasthecaseatNATOlastweek"saidHaniti

. At the same time, he cited the meeting between Trab and North Korea's Kim Jong Yong in June. This meeting was at the heart of virulent criticism in the United States

. For its part, Haniti regards this meeting as a success of President Trab, which resulted in the exhaustion of nuclear stresses on the Korean peninsula, by the end of the pilot rocket launchers

With regard to Friday's charges against the Russians by the special investigator with the prosecutor Robert Muller? "The timing for me is suspicious," Hanite said, implying the embarrbading involvement of the US Department of Justice in President Trab's diplomacy.

The US President yesterday, when he left for Helsinki, complained that whatever concessions President Putin will grant him, his actions will never be recognized. "Some media are really hostile to the people," he wrote himself, while it's unclear whether the US president had any idea of ​​the US media's attitude toward him. understand that he used a favorite expression of the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin

On the other hand, there are several reasons to appreciate that this attitude of the American president is acceptable to the voters in his base election lasts. Polling rates of Robert Mahler have recently fallen among Republicans

Meanwhile, Republican polling rates between Republicans have increased over the past two years since Trab began portraying him as a possible ally of [19659002] On the other hand, the leader of North Korea, Kim Yong Hun, is at the center of criticism of the conservative voters of President Tramb

. An American president managed to make the meeting that he had with him in Singapore a showcase, despite the fact that this meeting was described as a joke by experts from the nuclear arsenal. The conservative position of the US media, compared to the above meeting and its results, resulted in the support of supporters and the conservative audience of President Trab

. What his electoral base sees is a man Steve Bannon, former White House strategist, said:

He argues that the most hardened Republicans receive Trabble's message that Russia can become an American partner. invokes the realistic alliance between Washington and Moscow against Nazi Germany

"There are so many veterans in the electoral base. They themselves admit that we would not have won the Second World War without having Russian allies. It is essential. The Russians are the ones who have actually broken the backbone of the German army, "explained Bannon

.The former White House strategist has criticized Putin in the past and continued: "We do not need more enemies. We have fairly open problems all over the world with the situations we face with Iran, China and Korea. "

Some of President Trabble's political allies believe that the cost of thinking about the US president's demise of Putin's fraudulent influence will be at least partly offset by Trabble's images on international issues, such as nuclear arsenals and the Middle East, with a world leader like Putin


Andrew Surabian, former White House official, compared the personal meeting of the two presidents with the historical meetings of Ronald Reagan with Mikhail Gorbachev, former leader of the Soviet Union, as a leader of the former Soviet Union.These two leaders discussed without the presence of translators or other senior officials in the same room as Trab and Putin could be discussed, which has disappointed many Democrats and foreign policy specialists who argue that the American president

According to Surabian, the conservatives "are more open to the idea of ​​a dialogue with the bad players of the international system, compared to their attitude, before a decade the air Contrary to what happened with former President Barack Obama, conservatives do not see any weakness against the Trump. At the same time, they are not afraid that he will apologize for the United States. When they see the Trab, as they did with Reagan before him, they see a power that in the long run gives more room to the president at his base to negotiate with the opponents, "said Surabian. more and more popular among conservatives, since 25% of Republicans and independents close to the Republican party say they have a positive opinion of the Russian president.

Democrats are positive about Putin with only 9% according to a recent research center Pew

However, despite the fact that the electoral base of conservative voters welcomes the diplomatic tactics of President Trabble, this policy carries a political risk.The rate of acceptance of the US President is about 42 According to recent polls, he has not managed to capitalize politically on the support he is getting by ensuring his reelection.

Much of the elect American State thinks that its attempt its approach with President Putin is proof that it depends on Russia to jeopardize US interests.

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