Poll: NW – 62% of citizens want early elections


According to a study conducted by KAPA Research for the newspaper "Ethnos", the New Democracy voted 4.7 percentage points ahead of Syriza, while more than one in two favor an early appeal. to the vote.

In particular:

  • SW: 25%
  • SYRIZA: 20.3%
  • Golden Dawn: 7.9%
  • Movement of change: 6.4%
  • KKE: 5.8%
  • Century Association: 2.3%
  • ANEL: 2.2%
  • Greek solution: 1.8%
  • River: 1.5%
  • Popularity: 1.3%
  • ANTARSA: 1,1%
  • Other party: 3.3%
  • White / Canceled: 1.7%
  • Undecided: 12.6%
  • Abstention: 6.8%

In victory performance, SW accounted for 58%, against 28% of SYRIZA, while in the question on Prime Minister most appropriate, 33% are Kyriakos Mitsotakis, 27% Alexis Tsipras and 39% are "neither of them".

62% want early elections

The majority of respondents favor early elections.

In particular, 44% said the parliamentary elections should take place before May 2019 and 18% in May 2019, as well as the municipal and European elections. 34% wish to be after four years in the fall of 2019.

52% make the task difficult

In the same survey, 52% responded that it was difficult or too difficult to do. 39% answered "neither easily nor with difficulty", while only 8% answered "very easily, easily".

In addition to the question of whether they felt shame on specific issues since 2010, 50% said yes: "I did not have the money to pay for the fixed needs of people. "household", 41% in "I could not cover the service in my car" and 38% "I did not have the financial capacity to cover an extraordinary health problem in my family."

The questions that concern the Greeks

Most respondents are concerned about job creation, economic growth and education, while only 19% are concerned about the evolution of the Skopje issue.

The most important questions that concern society:

  • 49% job creation
  • 39% growth of the economy
  • 28% improved education system, education
  • 28% of corruption in public life
  • 23% of the pension insurance system
  • 22% strengthening of the health system
  • 21% refugee / migrant
  • 20% reduction of taxes
  • 20% reinforcement of investments
  • 19% of developments in Skopje

They support the "yellow vests"

Finally, the same survey reveals a positive attitude of the Greeks towards the "yellow vests". 47% voted in favor of mobilisations in France and 25% in favor.

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