Pompeo postponed the last minute meeting with Kim Jong Oyn World


US Foreign Minister Mike Pombeo was postponed at the last minute without pleading for a meeting scheduled for Thursday with the right hand of North Korean leader Kim Jong Oun.

This meeting, which will be held in New York with Kim Jong Thool, one of the closest collaborators to the North Korean leader, will be reorganized "at a later date, when our respective programs will allow," announced during the meeting. night. Heather Naught, spokeswoman for the US State Department.

Pompeo would take advantage of this new meeting to try to make progress on the thorny issue of North Korean nuclear denuclearization and to prepare a new summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Oun.

"The ongoing discussions are continuing," said Nawert. "The United States remains committed to meeting the commitments made by President Trab and South Korean Kim Kim at the Singapore Summit in June," he added.

Asked by AFP about the reasons for the postponement, Naughter said that he did not want to comment further.

"We will have a good opportunity to continue the debates on the nuclear disproportion," Pompeo said Sunday, announcing his next meeting with Kim Jong Tol, tomorrow Thursday, which he postponed to today.

"I hope that we will make real progress, in particular to allow the holding of the summit between our two leaders," he added.

However, Pyongyang has frozen the atmosphere, threatening to revive the development of its nuclear arsenal last week if the sanctions that have caused the stifling of its economy are not lifted. The issue of sanctions is the main point of disagreement between the two parties.

Source: RES-EAP

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