H Popi Tsapanidou she was appointed director of the new television channel owned by Vangelis Marinakis. Alter Ego announced the collaboration with the journalist who said:
"In his first official gesture, Alter Ego's television announces his collaboration with Ms. Popi Tsapanidou to address the TV channel.Through her years of experience in information and entertainment during of her journalistic career, Ms. Popi Tsapanidou is a guarantee of the quality and objectivity of the content of the Alter Ego TV project. "
The presenter took on her new role and posed next to the TV chain's Christmas tree by painting the photo on her personal page at Instagram with a comment: "New job, new space, new people, new Goals, new hopes, new efforts, new dreams … And a brand new red Christmas tree marks the beginning of the best time of the year!
Well, let's be children. #christmastree #christmasmood #beginnings #newjobnewlife #newstart.
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