Poroshenko: Visible risk of "totalitarian war" between Ukraine and Russia


At the risk of a "totalitarian war" with Russia, the President of Ukraine has warned against the tone of his already dramatic statements after the incident occurred Sunday at the sea d & # 39; Azov.

"I do not want anyone to think that we are making fun of here." Ukraine runs the risk of a totalitarian war with Russia ", say it "Peter Potoshenko. "The number of units (Russian military) stationed along our borders has increased dramatically.A large-scale armed conflict with Russia threatens the country"Poroshenko said in a television interview, adding that the number of Russian battle tanks in the border area had tripled in October compared with September.

Russian authorities opened fire and arrested Sunday three small boats of the Ukrainian navy and their crews in the sea of ​​Azov, off the Crimea. The Ukrainian NP denounced a "Attack"Among the Russian forces, who actually used fire on his ships." Russia denounced a "provocative energy" from Ukraine.

Trab threatens to cancel meeting with Putin at G20

The diplomatic side effects of the controversy continue with Donald Trump threaten to cancel his scheduled meeting with him Vladimir Poutine on the sidelines of the Group of 20 (G20) in Argentina. "I do not like this aggression at all", said the US president, accused in his country of being very "Submitted"Against Moscow.

The Ukraine and Russia have been involved in the most serious fight of recent years with the episode of Sunday, unprecedented because it is the first open military match between Moscow and Kiev after the Annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the beginning of the outbreak during the same year. , the armed conflict in the Donbbad, in eastern Ukraine, between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists. More than 10,000 people lost their lives in this war.

One of the three Ukrainian ships that received Russian fire anchored in Kerch. The big hole on the side is visible (Photo: AP)

The Ukrainian parliament on Monday approved the imposition of a military law in the country's border regions.

Russian President warned Ukraine yesterday against everything "Bold" energy and expressed it "Intense concern" to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, asking her to put pressure on Kiev. In his opinion, the measures taken by the Government in Kiev are"obvious" that they be badociated with the presidential elections of the spring in Ukraine.

Moscow badured that he acted "In full compliance with international law" and accuses Kiev of searching "Pretext" demand from the EU and the US a "stronger sanctions" against Russia. These sanctions were imposed in 2014.

The question of the imposition of new European sanctions will be discussed at the December summit.

Washington, denouncing "Illegal" Moscow stock, yesterday asked the EU to "Do more to help Ukraine", especially with regard to sanctions against Russia, that they have not & # 39; Still fully implemented & # 39;. The representative of the State Department, the Heather Naourt, pointed out that the Russian Nordstream 2 pipeline should now be targeted.

The "confessions" of the Ukrainian navy

One of the arrested Ukrainian seamen talks with his lawyer in a court in Simferopol (Photo: AP)

Meanwhile, a Crimean Simferopol court has ordered the detention of 12 of 24 Ukrainian sailors captured by Russia this weekend, accused of illegally crossing Russian borders and threatened with a six-year sentence. years of imprisonment to the maximum.

Russian state television broadcasts surveys of three sailors, who seem to confess under pressure. "I recognize that the actions of Ukrainian Navy ships were provocative, said a sailor, who said that he was calling Vladimir Lisoff. "Execute orders".
Kiev denounced him "Coercion in the links"with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Kloomkin wall ask the president of the International Committee of the Red Cross to hold a meeting with the prisoners.

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