Positive but insufficient emergency status waiver – SKAI (www.skai.gr)



A step in the right direction, but insufficient, marks the lifting of the state of emergency in Turkey by the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Policy, Federico Mogherini

Source: DW – Nikos Bellos, Brussels [19659004] Message:
19/07/2018 – 15:27

19/07/2018 – 15:22


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AP Photo

According to the European Commission, it is considered insufficient to the extent that the Turkish authorities still have extraordinary powers, while many elements restricting fundamental freedoms remain in force

. This is the first reaction of the Commission that has been made public. by the services of the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security EU expects Turkey to withdraw all measures that have a negative impact on the independence of the judiciary and on fundamental freedoms , measures at the heart of a rule of law. We also expect Turkey to stop evading its obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights

According to the European Commission, sustainable improvements in the state of are essential for EU-Turkey relations prospects

EU-Turkey accession negotiations started in 2005, so far only 16 out of 35 chapters have been opened and it is not possible today to open new chapters. Indeed, as the Commission pointed out in the April annual progress report on the candidate countries, Turkey is moving away from the European rules of the rule of law, respect for fundamental rights and freedoms, and this situation does not allow the opening of new negotiations. The same report called on Ankara to reverse the negative situation starting with the lifting of the state of emergency.

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