Potentine moves "goodbye" to Sporting and … nails for violence (photo) | Superleague


By mid-May, Sporting fans were attacking and hurting players in the team.

This incident fueled Ponteñas, who was frightened by this incident and his "goodbye" to the club in which he had been since 2005.

The 22-year-old winger, in this way, thanked all the world for the "lions", closed the door of his lot and was preparing to open Olympiakos

. message to his account on Instagram:

To all Sportinguists:

"Not something I commented on this question before because I did not know my future, which could be at Sporting Lisbon.

Clearly, my pbad at Sporting was over and this pbadage was not a small one. I thought the decision was over.

There were 13 years with the lion on the chest, it was a great honor and I am completely grateful. I grew up at Sporting. I skate at Sporting what I am as a man and athlete. I know people I will wear forever, "says Ponteveda and continues:

" For me, football is a way of life, it's a situation for my emotional balance and with the recent events I'm not sure. I have not managed to find this harmony, I need to play.

In what I learned at Sporting, no one taught me to cope with a threatening environment, a violence of which I was afraid for my own safety. Football or another sport should not be.

We, professional footballers, are much more numerous than we are in the four lines. We have family, friends, feelings, but these obstacles are not always respected.

I am looking for new goals, always trying to give the best of myself, but I will never forget the club that has given so much and will always be in my heart.

I tell you in all honesty, thank you at least for your respect

Thank you Sporting! And all those who support me.

Daniel Castles. "

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