Power of Love: Apocalypse for Panos Zara – Was she a sexy dancer in Ladies Nights? [εικόνες]


We got to know Pano Zarla through the Power of Love.

He became a couple with Stella Mizeraikis, started the lovers and they both managed to win winners and win 10,000 euros. Beyond the 2.5 years that were obtained at the gala Friday.

For Power of Love players, for their past, much has been written. Photos of girls before the plastic went around the internet throughout the reality show, videos with other TV videos, video clips and other TV shows . For some, however, we have never learned their professional status, and we have not learned what they have done in their lives before entering the Power of Business. # 39; Love.

One of them is Panos Zarlas.

For whom, it seems, it is time to learn what he has done. Contrary to his most conservative image in reality, Zarlas Panos, and based on the photos circulating on the Internet, in the past because he seemed to be a bady dancer.

Panos went to "Ladies Nights" as he published the famouzoom and as you would see dancing bady

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