Presenters in California are informed on the air that they must leave due to a fire (VIDEO)


A man lost his life in a forest fire that spreads rapidly in southern California as flames burn houses and businesses and caused power cuts, the fire brigade said. Kar broke out in Sasta County and tripled in size over the past two days, having already sank 113,000 acres, according to the California State Forestry and Fire Protection Service

"The fire is moving so badly that the forces of Security evacuate as quickly as possible, spokesman for California Firefighters Scott McLinn said: "Meanwhile, the world tour shows a video showing that two presenters are expected to leave the studio while the fire Approach

"Immediately now we have to empty the building, which is why we are supposed to close the show right now," said Alison Woods during a live broadcast. "We're going to leave the station because it's safer to stay here."

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