Promising prospects in Greece – SKAI (



On the occasion of the general strike, the German press publishes commentaries on the economic situation of the Greeks. Numerous reports and for the release of the maid who forged a certificate of completion of studies.

Deutsche Welle – Alexandra Kosma

29/11/2018 – 7:23

Last update:
29/11/2018 – 7:23


The news of the general strike in Greece broadcasts a large number of German media. A detailed article entitled "Perspective in Greece" is published in the Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper, in which the chaos in Athens is the only essential consequence of the strike: "The general strike will not be particularly noticeable in Athens because the Greeks are tired Strikingly, since March 3, 2010, dozens of general strikes have taken place in Greece, when Prime Minister George Papandreou announced the first package of cuts to this European country -bankruptcy.

Since that time, the Greeks have expressed their collective desperation at the unrelenting policy of cuts in hundreds of strikes by individual professional groups and countless other mobilizations.

The Papandreou government had already been overthrown in 2011 and quickly lost politically. Only the one who has governed since then, whether independent or conservative, socialist or leftist, has always imposed on the population new series of cuts. The inevitable consequence: citizens' anger followed the lethargy, despite many reasons why the Greeks could continue to rebel.

Because the Greeks are impoverishing. And this is clear in the fact that at the beginning of the crisis in 2010, citizens could set aside at least 2.3% of their income, starting from 2012, they live off their savings and yet barely manage to cover their basic expenses ".

Prison sentence disproportionate

The magazine Der Spiegel publishes on its website an article on the case of purgatory with the false certificate of end of municipal studies. "In fifteen years of imprisonment, she was sentenced to a cleaner in Greece for misinterpreting some elements of a bachelor's degree 20 years ago.Citizens are strongly criticized.Now, a second court will consider the decision ".

Below, the journalist explains why the court's judgment provoked the indignation of the citizens: "The prison sentence is disproportionate, at the same time the critics also refer to another case. From time to time, a woman from Crete was accused in court of a fake university degree.Next, not only was he released, but he was allowed to resume his position in the state.

After sharp criticism, the Athens court that sentenced the maid left her free on Wednesday, at least temporarily. According to the Greek media, Areios Pagos will re-examine the case.

During the course of the trial, the woman spoke of the reasons which led her to commit this act: she was in a desperate situation because she had to take care of the two children and her handicapped husband. "

"The past shines brightly"

The German Broadcasting Website (Dlf) publishes a report entitled "Retirees continue to not earn a living". More specifically, it is written: "Anyone who wants to know how desperate the policy of spending cuts is desperate is to ask the Greek pensioners, especially in the province, the problem is serious.The fact that the Greek government will reduce no more pensions do not help most retirees. "

As the report notes, "The fact that Greek creditors do not want Greek pensioners to pay even more for next year can not really rebadure the country's elderly." He recently witnessed a Dutch survey according to the report. which Greeks living mainly in the province can not meet their basic nutritional needs. "

The article ends as follows: "The Greek government can promise nothing more to pensioners and low-wage workers than to help them," a graffiti in Athens sums up the essence: "The past shines brightly."

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