Public bodies "release" the government for the dead Monday night


The government's public institutions are progressing daily in the government's public institutions to find out if the government was aware of the existence of dead at the time of the Prime Minister's meeting the evening of the previous Monday when the government was aware One of

On Sunday morning, the leader of UHK Portman, who rescued hundreds of people at Mati, said his men had identified the dead very early, namely before dark, and even put

Then the president of EKAB, Yorgos Mathiopoulos, revealed that everyone knew that the Natians had been killed.

Usually, Mr. Mathiopoulos said that at 8:41 pm the fire department informed them that there was a dead man in Neo Voutsa. EKAB received the first death around 10 pm and half an hour later it received three more

The "slap" of the government did not HCDCP Workers' President Stamatis Poulis reportedly told SKAI that prior to the meeting with the Prime Minister on Monday evening, at 11:20 pm from the National Operations Center of the Ministry of Health (EKEPY), he was contacting and asked the HCDCP for 40 bags for the collection of carcbades

Indeed, as mentioned, EKEPY employees "

" Commander EKEPY stated that he was in operational readiness ", said Mr. Poulis

According to existing data:

  • ] 20:41 first call to EKAB for 2 dead
  • 22:30 EKAB received 4 dead
  • 22:30 was given a warrant to Sismanoglio for the formation of a special area for the dead
  • 23:20 a large number of special bags [19659010] 23:40 Prime Minister arrives at Pyros Business Center

Revelations "forced" Navigation Minister Panayiotis Kourouplis to reveal to radio station what we all knew Mati's fire accident, there were reports on the dead

. "Kouroublis replied that" this information existed "but was not considered safe since these people worked in the sea.

However, on a Monday afternoon, the revelations being heavy, the government changed its rhetoric with the Infrastructure and Transport Ministers, Spyridzis and Interior, Panagiotis Kourouplis to try to cover Alexis Tsipras, saying the government was aware of the dead, but made no mention of it until the cameras were in place. [19659002] "The Prime Minister learned that there was unconfirmed information. the camera left the business center, "said Mr. Scourlet and continued:" Once the information was confirmed, the government spokesman came out at dawn and informed the dead. "

Mr. Spirtzis moved This was not confirmed.When we had information, the government spokesman came out an hour later and spoke of more than 20 dead."

Good sure, the two did not say how the information is unconfirmed when the head of the UHK

They also failed to tell us why, while they had – well that unverified as they describe themselves – information about the dead, the Prime Minister presented a "utopian" picture, speaking of the fire that is in (19659022) (function (d, s, id) {19659022] {function (d, s, id)
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