Putin "convinces" Trab, the FBI not World


After clashing with the traditional allies of the United States in Quebec, where the G7 meets in Brussels at the NATO summit and in Britain, where he "emptied" Teresa Mei, Donald Trump found his tranquility in spirit The meeting yesterday with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. Many people in his country, even from the Republican camp, the US President seemed to be more confident of the Russian leader than the FBI and the CIA

Interrogated at a joint press conference on the legendary Russian Mixture in the US elections from 2016, Trab responded that the director of the CIA had informed him, but he himself kept his doubts. "I see no reason to be agitated," Russia said, adding that "President Putin was extremely strong and unequivocal in his denial". For his part, the Russian leader described the relevant objections as "nonsense". When a reporter asked him if Tramp wanted to beat him in Hillary Clinton, he immediately replied "yes, I wanted him because he was in favor of normalizing US-Russian relations."

The American president had clarified his moods several hours before the meeting in the Finnish capital. In a Twitter message, he has thrown into his own country the responsibility of submerging relations with Moscow at Cold War levels. "Our relationship with Russia has never been worse due to many years of stupidity and foolishness on the part of the United States, with the latest example of witch-hunting" – that is, say surveys conducted by independent investigator Robert Muller. Just last Friday, Muller appealed against 12 Russian agents for violating the Democratic Party's records during the pre-election period.

The truth is that Trab made these accusations in the private conversation that he had with Putin, as he let it be known, at the press conference, the Russian president himself. In a move calculated for climate change around this case, Putin suggested that Moscow and Washington jointly interrogate the 12 Russian agents, triggering a 1999 bilateral agreement on legal aid issues. He added, however, that in this case, his government would also ask him to question actors in the United States and accused of having acted against his country. Donald Trab described the idea of ​​his counterpart as "terrible"

The appearance of Trab yesterday shocked Washington. Former CIA director John Brennan said Trabble's behavior "exceeded the line between crime and crime." It was clearly tedious. "The Senate Democrat, Chuck Sumer, has qualified his statements of "reckless, dangerous and weak", while Nancy Pelozzi, leader of the minority in parliament, wondered "what does Trab Putin stand for?" But also in the Republican lines, the voice protests were strong. Arizona Senator Jeff Fleeck called the president's statements "shameful" while House Speaker Paul Ryan recommended that he "perceive Russia as an adversary" of the United States, adding that there was no doubt about his intervention in the elections. from 2016. It was ironic at Hillary Clinton's location via Twitter. "Wonderful world." Question to President Tramb when he meets Putin: Do you know which group you play? "

As expected, the first, albeit informal, summit of Trab-Putin did not produce spectacular results and tangible. The Russian president has proposed to start talks between the two nuclear powers to extend the START agreement on the reduction of nuclear weapons and expressed his wish to discuss with the United States their concerns about missile defense shields. that they intend to fabricate, as well as program of militarization of space. However, the Russian leader did not fail to flatter Trab for his manipulations in Korean, especially for his meeting with the North Korean leader Kim Yong Oun

No criticism

also the fact that the US president did not feel the need to publicly criticize Russia for any of the controversial issues – such as the annexation of Crimea, the conflict in the east of Ukraine and Syria. For the latter, Trabb said that he had discussed with Putin, in a positive atmosphere, Israel's pressing request for security badurances, particularly with regard to the influence of the government. Iran in Syria. As for the Ukrainian, Putin expressed hope that the US government will push for the implementation of the Truce Agreement of Minsk

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