Putin – Trab Monday meeting


The release of 12 Russian intelligence agents for a defeat of the Democratic Party in 2016 may be demanded by the US president by his Russian counterpart. "Russia, the EU and China are enemies of the United States"

In an interview with CBS Evening News, the US President said that he could ask his Russian counterpart to publish CBS Evening News in Washington, DC

In Helsinki, US President Donald Trump should meet with Vladimir Putin. in the United States 12 agents of the Russian intelligence services, accused Friday of allegedly violating the computers of the Democratic Party in 2016.

In response to a question about the possibility of seeking release from the agent states, "I had not thought of it, but I will certainly ask questions about it.Of course, he did not fail to point out that this incident is a serious one. is produced during the presidency of Obama.

"Russia, the EU and China are enemies of the United States"

In the same interview Donald Trump n & rsquo; Failed to argue that Russia, the European Union and China are the "enemies" of the United States for different reasons

"I believe we have a lot of enemies. I believe that the EU is an enemy of what it does to trade. Of course, one would not think of the EU, but it is an enemy. Russia is an enemy in some ways. China is an economic enemy. But that does not mean that it's bad, it does not mean anything … It means that they're competitors, "he noted.

DTram is in Britain after a visit which, as the MPA points out, criticizes

Earlier, the German Foreign Minister Haiko Maas, warned the US President not to conclude unilateral agreements with Russia, talks about sy

Protest against Trab and Putin in Helsinki

Thousands of people protested today in Helsinki, one day before the historic summit between presidents Americans and Russia

Protesters gathered on Senate Square, outside of the great Lutheran Cathedral of Helsinki, a short distance from the Presidential Palace where the two rulers will meet

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