Qualcomm writes history: It presents the first 5G mmWave antenna for smartphones


Today, Qualcomm wrote the story by producing today the first 5G mmWave antenna for smartphones, which will reach its first [5199003] 5G smartphones in early 2019. L & # 39; antenna, which you can see the original image of the article, is of a very small size and will work in conjunction with the [QualcommX505Gmodem . The first samples have already been sent to its customers, which means that if everything goes as planned, the Galaxy S10 will arrive next year with 5G network connectivity

5G devices will support speeds not just simpler faster than 4G networks and your home . Qualcomm was the first to introduce this type of 4G device and wants to take advantage of the experience gained by first introducing the 5G technology modems to use on smartphones.

The theoretical velocities of 5G networks affect 5Gbps although we should expect real speeds like 1.4Gbps . Up to four antennas can be integrated into Qualcomm X50 modems, which is especially important because the 5G signal is very sensitive because it can be interrupted, for example, by placing the hand at a specific point in the signal. ;apparatus.

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