Request a student housing allowance again


The Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs announces that it will reopen on July 27 and will be active until July 31, the electronic application platform for the ##################################################################################### Housing allowance of 1000 euros for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Interested persons will be able to apply or finalize the application that they have temporarily stored, by following the link below: [19659003] The online application for a housing allowance is submitted by the beneficiary according to Article 11 of Law 4172/2013 (1967). (19659003) Exceptionally, the beneficiary will be the student himself if:

(a) he is orphan of both parents or

(b) his parents are residents c) is over twenty- five (25) years, that is, born before December 31, 1991) or

(d) he is subject to the tax return and is not considered as a dependent member in accordance with Article 11 of Law 4172/2013 (A 167).

Access to housing allowance requires certification by the TAXIS system of the General Secretariat for Information

Before creating a request for the 2017-2018 school year, you must first have submitted a tax return for the 2017 taxation year. Otherwise, your application will automatically be rejected at the time of the submission. function (d, s, id)
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