Resignation Tsiphra calls for opposition


Opposition reactions were sparked by the Prime Minister's speech to the cabinet, where he said that he was taking political responsibility for the tragedy of the Attica fire. The prosecution started and the first witnesses were summoned.

A New Democracy in a statement made it clear that the decision to abolish the Prime Minister's political responsibility was "It took four full days for the national tragedy to make Mr. Tsipras aware of Obviously, in politics, responsibilities for making sense are always accompanied by renunciations or discounts, otherwise they are useless communications towers. "[19659003] ND also noted that in each case, Mr. Tsipras must answer the two ruthless questions that all citizens now have:

  • "Why did his government not take any preventive measures, when everyone was at home? current of extreme weather in East Attica
  • Why, when the fire broke out, they did not immediately inform citizens that itter their homes, so that we were still 86 victims? "[19659007] The Movement of Change pointed out that" The resignation is a one-way street ", while speaking of the second part of a" show "cynical and disgusting, referring to the Mr. Tsipras's speech in front of his cabinet

    Mr. Tsipras takes political responsibility for the tragedy KKE for his part spoke of "constant disguises of the government, of" we have everything does well "up to" take political responsibility, "" which can not hide the prime minister's attempt to overturn the real responsibilities of the tragedy in East Attica ", adding that M Tsipras "that did the precedents of ND and PASOK."

    On the side The River accused Mr. Tsipras of hypocrisy by baderting that no responsibility was badumed without resignation

    The explosion that provoked the provocation of the mi yesterday's nistrations forced Mr. Tsipras to change repertoire. In the same climate, the Union of Centers refers to the political anesthesia not to lose the presidency of power

    The badumption of political responsibilities by the Prime Minister, four 24 hours after the tragedy of Mati, confirms a political anesthesia within the government not to lose the presidency

    The first witnesses of the fire call [19659015] The first witnesses, it is imminent to cross the threshold of the Prosecutor's Office Varvaras Gnesoulis to open a preliminary investigation into the causes of the fires and to badign responsibility

    Among them is the chief of the fire department

    The prosecutor allegedly appointed a detachment as an independent expert and requested the immediate completion of an autopsy by the firefighters

    First expert reports on the DNA of the victims

    24 hours a review of b laboratory (19659003) According to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations of the Hellenic Police, up to now, 71 biological comparative materials of missing relatives have been received, as well as the badysis of laboratory results,, 80 organic stock materials and 22 fake fingerprints of the bodies to compare them

    Since yesterday Thursday, reports of laboratory experts have begun with the identification of deceased persons using the method of l '. DNA (19659018) Mobile Victims' Opening Orders

    Tomorrow Saturday and Sunday afternoon, the Athens Prosecutor's Office will function normally, for the needs of missing families and wishing to send them to the 39 competent investigation authority (fire brigades). call for public order to give mobile operators the latest mobile phone numbers and cascades they're after after a major fire in eastern Attica [19659018] The arbitrary to Mati [19659015] The Technical Chamber of Greece, as part of its obligation to inform the public on technical issues of major interest, following the public debate started on the arbitrary construction of Attica is furious and most importantly the place of the unprecedented tragedy in the city of Attica, announces, as the administrator of the information system arbitrary declarations of the laws 4178/2013 and 4495/2017, statistics of arbitrary construction for this area

    This initiative is undertaken in order to have a clear and documented image of the actual data recorded in the public opinion, the media and more generally in the public debate. Full and detailed geospatial data has already been sent, as planned, to the relevant Ministry of the Environment and Energy (RIS) for each use.

    In this context, the ITE information system on the arbitrary construction

    It is noted that the regional unit of East Attica is constantly (all along of the validity of the above-mentioned laws) the first in number of declarations region of the country, with about 9.8% of the total declarations

    Especially for the firefighter surface in Mat :

    (including categories 1, 2, 4, 5 of Acts 4178 and 4495)

    Of these:

    • Declarations of arbitrary categories 5, arbitrarily or more than 40% after 1983 : 156

    • Total number of square meters of arbitrary square meters (main and auxiliary spaces)

    Statistical treatment of all declarations in the Mati Attica area, by categorization and the data of laws 4178 and 4495, also draw the following conclusions es:

    • 52% of the declarations do not have a building permit. The corresponding average in the territory is 25% of unauthorized declarations.

    • 93% of reported offenders are excluded from the plan.

    • The predominant use is that of the other residence (secondary, national, etc.), at 86%, with principal and single residence (19%) and the rest of the statements refers to a professional use (tourism, industry, services)

    • With regard to the age of reported irregularities, 17% 32% of buildings up to 1982, 28 % of buildings from 1983 to 2003 and 23% of arbitrary constructions from 2004 to 28/7/2011 (date of "red line" for arbitrary declaration).

    For more information, it is noted that both of the above-mentioned laws and the ITC information system do not include buildings

    The figures above do not include Not include category 3 declarations of the two aforementioned laws concerning micro-arbitrariness and micro-violations in legally existing buildings. It is also noted that the declarations of Law 4014/2011 were incorporated into the provisions of Law 4178/2013

    Hundreds of uninhabited houses

    Up to now, 2,489 auctions have been carried out in burned areas, 1 218 non-habitable buildings, 660 ", 570" yellow "houses


    Neos Voutzas Mati


    660 "Red"

    570 "Yellow"

    1149 Residences

    660 " red "

    I badume political responsibility for tragedy

    Photo: REUTERS / Alkis Konstantinidis

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