Revelations "fire" by the "magician" of the clarinet Dimitris Tzara for Stelios Kazantzidis


The secrets and revelations about Gray, Kazantzidis, Marinella, Tsitsanis, Vamvakaris and Bithikotsis are included in the biography prepared by Dimitris Tzaras

The 92-year-old clarinet and guitar soloist, who worked for In Columbia's recordings, he talks about "Espresso" for what he's been living next to the giants of the song.

"Kazantzidis was made by Gray.I have all lived … Marinella Stelios had not even had a coat.And when we took commemorative photos to send a postcard, the coat from my wife took pictures, because Stelios did not take it.Manolis Angelopoulos, once again, sold carpets in the streets before becoming a singer.It's like that that I l & # 39; I have met. "These are some of the most talented stories that today, through the newspaper, he recalled one of the last musicians of the age of Gold of the Greek pentagram

. A child of the great musical family of Nikolaos Tzara Preveza his musical father to take lessons and learn the streets of music that at the time in Greece did not know. The legendary 92-year-old musician came from Preveza specifically for this interview and welcomed us to a small apartment in the Agios Nikolaos area. "I do not want to die and not say what I know about this time," he tells us, and in front of a pile of photographs he unveils the web of his memories …

"I owe a lot to Mark Vamvakari, who was one of my first collaborations, a shoemaker, a serious man.I met him for the first time just after the 1940s. "Markus then came to Preveza, m & # 39, heard with the clarinet and said: "You will learn in our musicians new musical streets. Do you come to Athens? And I went downstairs, he had already talked about me to his colleagues, I go to the music clubs that everyone picked up and I learned from the musical streets that they did not know then: husak, shabak, aven I will not forget the poverty that this man went through, I remember when he came to Preveza, he said to me, "Re Dimitraki, when you come down to Athens, take with you two boxes of oil to eat my family who has to eat months of oil. "Indeed, I had the tinettes, I went to Old Kokkinia where they were staying, and, just like my wife I saw, Mrs. Vangelio, giggled for his joy of eating oil.For such poverty, we talk! Sometimes I pbaded by his house, Mark was sitting outside of a house. chair, and I was going there with cigarettes.It was no fate in the sun. "

" Kazantzidis met him while I was serving at the gendarmerie Stelios was a naughty kid in New Heraklion where, along with other young people of the time, they took bouzoukakia and guitars, and went to the taverns and they sang a song to make a song. Kazantzidis was made by Gray. If it was not Gray, Stelios could have been nothing today. In what I tell you I put my signature, why did I live? In fact, then I was in the first figure that Stelios came in. So Gray told me, "Are we going to get him, Jara?" And I told him, "What are we doing, Kaiti? It's an imitation of Tsasousaki." She was vertical: "I love her and I want to have her with us." Stelios before Gray had the Sew Chowum and all I know, because at that time I had a motorcycle with which we were going together everywhere. However, the truth is that when we set up the first group, Gray-Kazantzidis, I found myself in Kazantzidis' house in Nea Ionia, where he lived with Kyra-Gethsemane, and Stelios was a soldier. Gray paid everything. Food aware of the house. Gray fought for Stelios. However, he was not a fixed character. With the American woman unknown to Stelios in America, I married them. I paid the wedding table, I do everything "reveals

" We had a phone call with Stelios to close a deal. He was in Greece, me in America. We had planned to buy the entire Vebo Theater and Stelios to give concerts. We are now talking about the 70s, when Kazantzidis' reputation was at its zenith. I went back to Athens and went to the actors' bar, from where I called Stelios in Thessaloniki. We made an appointment in Thessaloniki, so that we can design different arts. The place we found was a guy who drank my coffee. I did not know him either. He was a manager of the YENED era. They wanted to convince Stelios to make his life a series and his songs played in the cinema. At that time, ODEON had forbidden him to sing on records, since he had been "tied up" with a clause. Nicolas, I am told, went to the president of YENED at the time, named Pylarinos. He gave me a letter to give to Stelios. The scenario and direction of the series would be by Yiannis Dalianidis and in my ear he said, "Tell Stelios that we are going to give him three hot millionaire." I took the letter and went back to Thessaloniki to deliver it to Stelios. Then he took the ouzo "I'm here". I went back to Athens and went to see my friends, Dionysios and Voskopoulos, to tell them about our plans. However, once again Stelios set me up, and he set up an entire YENED. I was chasing the plane, and I went back to America, "he says.

"Marinella – Kitsa, as we sang at the time – was and is very dignified. That's why he climbed to the highest podium and is now considered top. We worked a lot with Marinella and Kazantzidis. He helped everyone around him. I will not forget in her first steps, when Stelios was already married, Marinella was a very poor girl. Stelios had not even had a coat. And when it came to taking commemorative photos to send to a postcard, my wife's coat was taking pictures, because Stelios was not taking it. On the other hand, I was bitter with him because without telling me, he took me songs and recorded them in a studio outside of Columbia. One of them is the huge "My big pain in the heart", which only has the signature of Stelios, without my approval. But because I was leaving for America, where I was 60, I gave no weight or wanted to move things legally. A similar must be done with Nicolopoulos. "

" After I was bitter with Stelios, I went to the bar of the musicians. Giannis Charitopoulos who had the shop told me: "Re Dimitris, a child came from Thessaloniki and is looking for a song job." It was Stratos Dionysios, who had just come down to Athens. In the evening I took it and went to the shops. They knew me and I knew them all. Our first stop was my very good friend, Vangelis Perpiniadis. It was summer and the store started the program at that time. I recommended it to Perpinyadis and asked him to try it in two to three songs. Vangelis gave him the microphone and, as soon as we heard him, we were shocked by his voice … He immediately found a job. But Angelopoulos I found it. Manolis sold rugs in the streets of Agia Varvara before becoming a singer. So I met him. So he came to me at one point, he found me and he said: "Barbara-Jara, I sing and I want to be a singer." After having made the table at the pie, I installed it in different centers. She had a beautiful voice and a very big one. In his synagogue he was king. So they shouted at him. During the summers, when we wanted to find him, we went to Kavouri. He was married to Annula and every summer they made a tattoo and they hung out. The crab was nothing then … Alan. Handsome and discreet man. "

Source: espresso

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