Reversal of backs: what the CoE decided – when and how it will come back


This requires full compliance with its decisions retrospectively! Specifically the CoE set a new deadline until 23-1-2019. According to ENYPEKK, with no. 18 and 19 / 12-11-2018 Procedures-Decisions (Article 2 of Law No. 3068/2002) Council of State, in an unprecedented span of time the Greek judicial evolution, states that the Greek government has not fully complied – as was the case with no. 1127/2016 and 1125/2016 (respectively) of its plenary sessions, who ordered the surrender to the military and other categories of street workers and, on the other hand, the reinstatement of their wages pre-August 2012 levels.

specifically Co Declare that:

"… the Council considers (…) that it should defer the examination of the present application and give to the administration, as late as possible before the imposition of a sanction, a new deadline, on January 23, 2019, for the arrest procedure to be completed in accordance with the decision to cancel.

For these reasons:

He deferred consideration of this meeting request January 23, 2019. It again asks the Ministry of Finance to fully comply with its decision of 1127/2016 Plenary Session of the State Council until the above date. "

Here are the CoE Acting Decisions:



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