Richard's golden rebellion, theft and prey …


Hundreds of gold books sold or sold by the Greeks as a result of the crisis, as well as gold jewelry from robberies and burglaries, have turned into gold ingots and are fugitives from the country into because of the big spiral that the police destroyed.

Pawnbroker Pawnbroker, a member of the circuit, appeared regularly in TV commercials, claiming that he was offering the best market prices.

62 others were arrested, including a police officer.

According to police sources, the circuit would have melted and turned into gold ingots, not only jewels and hanging objects, but also gold from "false energies", usually thefts and robberies . Indeed, the thief was found at a famous shipowner in the southern suburbs.

As the police have announced, the spiral has circulated sums of money over 400,000 euros per day.

The fact that the police seized at least a million euros in cash, as well as gold bullion and diamonds is indicative of the scale of the criminal acts committed on the circuit.

In the vast enterprise for the break of the spiral, even 22 judges participated.

Surveys were conducted in homes and shops in Athens, Thessaloniki, Volos and Alexandroupolis.

Code names

Sugar, travelers and girls, were just a few of the phrasing codes used by members of the Golden Trader's spiral.

The words "Sugar" and "Yellow" meant gold, the word "end" meant 24-carat gold. When they talked about "girls" and "rounds" in their phone conversations, they meant pounds sterling.

"Metal" or "Iron" was gold melted, "the travelers" was the gold package and the jewelry to ship to Turkey, "The lines" were worth thousands of euros, while the "papers" were money.

According to the information they have seen so far, tour members have sent gold bulls to tourist buses that were flying in a locality in western Attica four times a week.

A tourist coach with 17 gold bars weighing 24.6 kg, valued at around € 600,000, is a typical example.

Prosecution for four crimes

At the expense of those involved in the grand circuit, criminal proceedings have been instituted for four crimes and four offenses.

In particular, where applicable, criminal proceedings relating to a degree of offense committed relate to his offenses:

a) criminal organization,
(b) the traffic,
(c) money laundering and
d) Wear.

In addition, criminal proceedings in malpractice cases concern the following offenses:

(a) Violation of the Narcotics Act,
(b) violation of the Weapons and Ammunition Act,
(c) accept and dispose of the proceeds of crime;
(d) Falloplasty after use

Finally, those arrested will be taken to the investigator, but they should ask for a delay.

The well-known owner of a large chain of pawn shops with dozens of stores across the country and ads on television, Richard, was arrested in his Saronida villa. He is accused of having collected large amounts of gold with his colleagues from his shops and other pawnbrokers, and then directed them to Turkey and other countries. The police created "a sheet and a feather" both in the offices of his company and in his luxurious home.

At the same time, a well-known goldsmith is also involved in the circuit. The case would involve other owners of pawnshops, foreigners and common criminal law persons.

Read also:

►Pharmker pawnbroker among smugglers of gold for smuggling
► Richard's well-known goldsmith partner in gold smuggling
►Russard Gold was sent to Turkey by bus – Circuit Operation
►Tippyra for Richard: He was thirsty for tens of thousands of fellow citizens

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