Richard's tour: "Timetables" & from El. Venizelos – The main faces


Gold traffic schedules and through El. Venizelos made the circuit of Richard as it appears from the record.

In the master circuit of urban buses pbading through Alexandroupolis, the illegal export of gold to Turkey was a "job". The second pbad was made by El International Airport. Venizelos ".

"The melted gold that could legitimately cover the EO, in the coat trade, was exported to Turkey by the customs office of the Athens International Airport. customs duties 156, exports of gold and silver alloys in debris worth 13,337,760 euros worth 3,337.92 kg were Between August 1, 2018 and September 13, 2018, 2,267.51 kg of a total value of 17,453,806 euros were exported, indicates the transmission of the file.

Describing the structure of the circuit, it is revealed that a working police officer also served as an officer of the Hellenic Police Bureau, as well as a retired officer with experience of the EYP who had been involved in security issues in the criminal organization.

As evidenced by the military discipline in which the organization operated, it resulted from the advice of the retired police officer "with experience of the EYP and, therefore, in order to cover his actions, the conversations were mostly conducted with one application. Web ". is immune from interception) while being physically alert during physical surveillance. This person collected gold from unknown sources, taken with his motorcycle and delivered it himself to the office, as well as recorded trips with videothelic material. "

With respect to the role of the practicing police officer who recruited the circuit for transcription, he stated: "He is an active police officer of the Office of the Protection of Public Servants and he had direct telephone communications with Richard from the transcript, which seems to privately serve him as a police officer while informing him of any police investigation concerning him, and the second, on October 25, our company was to dismantle this criminal organization , which had been postponed for operational reasons.The interviews led Richard's presentation to the police officer at a time subsequent to that of the planned company, which would allow him to know more about details and keep him posted. "

Finally, there is another category of "people to investigate," which includes the name of a TV broadcaster: "The recordings of one of the leaders of the first criminal organization with a known presenter on a deal have been registered, to announce the first of his second broadcast to a television station where there are tentative indications for the payment of the black currency from first to second, without verifying that the transaction took place. & # 39;

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