Roachini: Crime and aggressive action US sanctions in Iran – world


US sanctions against Iran are a "crime and an act of aggression," Iranian President Hbadan Rohani said on Wednesday, urging European and other governments to defend the policies of the country. President Donald Trumb against Tehran.

"Iran will survive this round of US sanctions as it has survived in the past.This US government will not stay in power forever … But history will judge other states on what? They will do today, "said Rohanay during his official visit to Vienna.

At the same time, he stressed that Tehran would strongly resist US threats to reduce Iranian oil sales and warned that Washington had not thought about the consequences of such a decision.

Monday, a State Department official said that the US government was determined to wipe out Iran's oil exports in the face of economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic, despite the reservations of the consuming countries

. The Americans point out that they want to abolish crude oil exports from Iran. They speak without thinking. This shows that they have not thought about the consequences of their energy, "said the Iranian president, according to the official news agency IRNA

already President Hbadan Rohani has left open the possibility that Iran restricts its cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at a meeting later the same day with the head of the Organization, Yukiya Amano, accusing US President Donald Trumb of the "new situation"

"Iran's nuclear activities have always been for peaceful purposes, but it is Iran that decides of the level of cooperation with the IAEA, "said Roachini, according to the IRNA news agency

.A change in Iran's level of cooperation with the IAEA lies with those who created this new situation, "he added.

The Iranian president also said that if Iran does not continue to benefit from the nuclear deal with the US withdrawal, it will take "new decisions".

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