Sadly beating a MEP for the immigrant


27.11.2018 | 9:43 p.m.

Press room

The people who complained about the migrant took the microphone of the MEP and made fun of him.

Party supporters opposed the adoption of an immigration law in Estonia attacked a green MEP who is openly declaring himself in favor of immigration.

The violent attack took place during a protest in Tallinn, Estonia, during a debate in the House on the ratification of a law adopting the United Nations Declaration on Migration. the protest was organized by the conservative opposition party.

The Social Democratic Party deputies went to the demonstration to shake the protesters and rebadure their fears of uncontrolled immigration. However, several hundred protesters did not let them talk and, when they broadcast their RT, they dropped them off the platform.

Then Greens chairman Indrek Tarand took the floor, but their positions on the immigrant applauded the crowd around him, threw him to the ground and, according to some complaints, he hit and trampled him. .

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