Samsung, Apple and Xiaomi: first on … pity!


According to the State of repair and security survey of mobile devices collected by the company Blancco Data Security, Samsung was the first supplier of malfunctions between Android phones in the first quarter of 2018. From January to April, rate Of the highest failure among manufacturers with 27.4%! Unfortunately, the research does not tell us which Samsung model had a problem so we believe the percentage is of all its models. Apple came in second place and here we know the percentages on the devices, with the iPhone 6 reaching 22% and the iPhone 6s with 16% focusing most topics. According to the survey, both Apple mobile phones have been problematic with a number of problems related to the touch screen. In addition, both mobile phones were heavily influenced by the scandal that erupted last year when Apple improved their performance to sell its new models. Coming back to the Android world, Xiaomi reached second place with 14.2%, followed by Motorola with 9.6% – here we have no specific model.

The company's search is based on the counting of Android and iOS devices delivered to Blancco by test and erase providers and retailers. The information also showed that 74.3% of iOS devices on this list were running iOS 11, while 52% of Android was running Android Nougat

Among the biggest problems detected among iOS devices were Bluetooth, The Wi-Fi connectivity and performance limitation, followed by minor issues such as headphones or mobile data.

Curiously, in the first quarter of 2018, 34% of Android handsets had problems with overall performance, while at the same time in 2017 the figure was 10%. This is a disturbing number for builders and an example that they do not adhere to the same manufacturing standards and controls on their mobiles

It's not accidental to place the three first companies on the list because they sell most of the mobiles on ] and the company's sample is from there. In sunrise we would have other distributions since the mobile phones of Huawei and BBK are all in first sale and I think that they would have a similar amount of damage to Samsung, Apple and Xiaomi [19659006]. ] About

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