Samsung: First on smartphone shipments in India


According to research firm Counterpoint Research, Samsung has managed to return to the top in terms of smartphone shipments to India, while dropping Xiaomi in second place.

Xiaomi was at the top of the list for market in India since the last quarter of 2017, which makes Samsung lose first in another market after China. But things have changed and this seems to be due to Galaxy J6 and J8, which once again gave Samsung the advantage in India.

Evidence shows that the difference between the two companies is small since Samsung is the leading smartphone provider, accounting for 29% of the missions, while Xiaomi 28%, giving a real battle in the vast market of India. In terms of data for the same period in 2017, Samsung and Xiaomi had respectively 24% and 16%, and despite the Xiaomi jump, Samsung managed to "hit" the top

Counterpoint Research Analyst says that the technical characteristics of the J series revamped gave Samsung the first to stop investing in the country with its new production plant that will double the devices by 5 to 10 million units a month, even better placement in the Indian market [19659003] Source: Techblog

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