Samsung introduces the first RAM chipset LPDDR5 8Gb 10nm


<img clbad = "aligncenter wp-image-166521 size-full" src = "" alt = " Samsung "width =" 900 "height =" 510 "srcset =" 900w, https: // secnews Samsung decided to change the memory model for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, RAM on smartphones with the new DRAM LPDDR5 8Gb The smartphone maker has recently completed testing of its first prototype chip to power 5G AI phones in the future [19659002] In an official announcement on his blog, Samsung introduced the chip, calling it "the first 8Gb LPDDR5 DRAM for AI-powered mobile applications."

Compared to modern brands LPDDR4 X, the new chip LPDDR5 delivers data rates up to 1.5 times faster, with an impressive bitrate of 6.400 Mb / s, the chip can download 51.2 GB of data per seco nde, which equates to about 14 FHD per second

Samsung will start the 10-nm chip in two different bandwidth variants. The one with 6.400Mb / s will run at 1.1V, while the other version (5.500Mb / s) will run at 1.05V. For the manufacture of these chips, Samsung has modified the architectural designs that it uses. Memory banks doubled from 8 to 16 for higher speeds

Another feature that highlights the LPDDRR5 chip is the deep sleep mode, designed to reduce energy consumption by 30%, which will lead

Han Jin Han, vice president of Samsung for planning and application of memory products, said: "This advanced LPDDR5 8Gb is a big step forward in terms of mobile memory. We will continue to expand the 10nm DRAM line as we continue our journey towards greater utilization of premium memory. "

Now that testing is over, Samsung will launch a mbadive chip production in Pyeongtaek, Korea , according to

Absent Mia

July 18, 2018, 3:36 PM by Absenta Mia

Samsung presents the first 10nm 8Gb LPDDR5 RAM chip [ [ad_2]
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